Our storyboard demands that we need at least 2 settings; a place for the radio man, and a place for the protagonist.
This small radio station is at school and easily accessible. If we were to put something suitably apocalyptic on the wall behind (warning poster for example) then it would convey the genre pretty well. We also thought that if we put like a sleeping bag in the shot too it would tell the audience that the RH lives there and reveal stuff about the back story.
Outside Location
a few of us already had ideas about this and after much discussion we decided on the one shown below. On Thursday last week, me and Brad and a friend went to check it out.
I thought at first it might be a really bad golf course but we now believe its perhaps an old landfill sight or something.
On the right we see two uprooted trees, which connote that something is wrong in the world.
It has lots of places where we could make a makeshift camp for the protagonist to find the radio in.
There are mounds of earth at the sides which are like trenches and where the girl could hide. This would also make it easy to do low/high angle shots
The weird landscape makes it believable that a bomb has gone off there.
As you can see, the setting is not too remote and is quite accessible. This image shows it being covered in trees though, so what has happened since this image was taken? Why? and by who?
WOW, this setting is full of natural mystery, it is the perfect location...
We also took some videos to explore the setting, get a feel of what it looks like on film, and to experiment with shots.
There is also a dark, low key lighting room at school and a green-screen room which we could use, however, I don't think these will be necessary.
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